Hot tubs vary in price depending on their size and style. Inflatable hot tubs for example are generally cheaper than hard shell hot tubs as they are very basic in comparison. Prices for hard shell hot tubs usually start at around £35000 but very basic models may be even cheaper.
Hot tubs generally cost a few thousand pounds which can usually be paid for in instalments to spread the cost of the spa. Large, luxury hot tubs are usually around the £7/8000 mark however some retailers may stock models up to £20,000 plus!

Hot tubs from combined shipping start at just £3049. We are able to retail our luxury spas at such low prices as we import directly from the manufacturer. This means we have no showroom costs to upkeep and no middle man to pay, so we can pass these savings to our customers.
When purchasing a hot tub, it is important to not only consider the price of the spa itself but also the cost of delivery and maintenance. Thankfully, spa maintenance can be very affordable. The cost of hot tub cleaning materials and sanitizer varies depending on usage, with heavy use hot tubs needing to be cleaned and sanitized more frequently. For example, a 1kg tub chlorine granules (£10.99) will sanitize a 5 person spa at full capacity around 40 times. This means that with very heavy usage, a £10.99 tub of chlorine would last for over 5 weeks.. Running costs are also dependant on supplier rates and the size of the hot tub but average out at around £1.80 a day. Many hot tub owners choose to 'winterize' their hot tubs over the colder months. winterizing simply involves emptying, cleaning and cutting off power supply to the hot tub over the winter period. This not only reduces annual running costs significantly, but also helps to reduce cleaning and maintencance costs over this season too.